-852 days 21:24:24
Contest is over

PO Warmup 2023

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Time Remaining


Starts in

-852 days 21:24:24

Ends in

-838 days 19:24:24


2022-11-07 18:00 CET


2022-11-21 20:00 CET

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PO Warmup 2023



Your rank in the contest depends on the sum of scores for the problems you solve (column Score on the standings page).

Reading the standings

On the standings page there are circles with different colors: somewhere between fully green and fully red, or grey.

  • Fully green means that you have solved the problem with maximum score.
  • Fully red means that you have submitted on the problem but all your submissions have been rejected with no score.
  • Somewhere between green and red means that you have achieved some score. The closer to green, the higher the score.
  • Gray means that you have a submission to that problem, but the result (accept or reject) is pending.
  • No circle means that you have not submitted on that problem.

The upper number to the right of the circle is the score achieved.

The lower number to the right of the circle is the number of submissions.